Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Found this on the website of a Virginia Beach High School art teacher.

SCAMPER is an acronym. Each letter is the first letter of a process that one can apply to the problem. Following are a few examples that only scratch the surface. Use YOUR imagination:
S = Substitute (replace one thing with another, e.g. an object, a media, etc.)
C = Combine (combine objects or parts of objects, media, ideas, etc)
A = Adapt (borrow something from another context)
M = Magnify, Minify, Multiply (make some part larger, smaller or repeat it; zoom in or zoom out)
P = Put to Other Uses (change the intended function of an object, a tool, etc.)
E = Eliminate (remove some aspect or parts; cut something out; cut part of something away)
R = Rearrange/Reverse (move objects around; rotate or flip objects or the whole piece) his could help kids think about their work when they've finished or inspire them to keep going.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Any ideas for using popsicle sticks?

Does anybody have any good ideas for projects that use popsicle sticks? I have a TON of them and would like to use some up. I'm stumped and could use some good suggestions. Thanks and Happy New Year to you all!